Logo Design Process
The following process is included while Logo Designing :
Competitive Study
Every business operates in a different brand zone. At Quirky Designs, we do a competitive analysis to see how the business we are dealing with can differentiate itself from other brands operating in the same industry.
This entails conducting a larger-scale market analysis and concentrating on key areas.
Brand Nature Study
This is a very crucial and one the most important step in the processing of any brand. This includes each and every thing about the brand.
Basically it is:
“What” is the brand all about?
“Why” was this brand created?
“What” products does the brand deal in?
Owner Research and Development
As we’ve already mentioned, Quirky Designs gives your brand’s logo an emotional touch to keep it near to your heart.
In this case, we thoroughly explore the brand owner’s background, including his place of residence, any particular memories or motivations behind the name of the company, as well as his zodiac sign and other personal information.
Brain Storming
Every logo we create has a distinct philosophy behind it. We create it to include every activity and communication that will distinguish the brand from competing companies in the same industry.
Concept Sketch
Every brand we develop is constantly saturated with fresh, original thoughts and ideas that make it stand out from the competition. To do this, we employ APT sketching tools, which provides your brand a unique character.
We are always open to recommendations and ideas from our customers. Even if the customer requests certain last-minute, urgent revisions after the logo has already been completed
As client happiness is our top concern, we are delighted to assist them.
After all the phases have been developed and the research completed, the process now moves on to its execution phase, which entails combining all the data we have obtained into a single, finite logo model that captures the essence of the brand.
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